Friday, December 6, 2013

Interpret KS.test from R

On Friday, 20. August 2010 15:19:24 Izidine Pinto wrote:
Dear R users
I am using KS test to compare two different distribution for the same
variable (temperature) for two different time periods.
H0: the two distributions are equal
H1: the two distributions are different

ks.test (temp12, temp22)

Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data: temp12 and temp22
This tells you where the data comes from that was used in this test, basically
the program-variable you assigned the values to.
D = 0.2047, p-value < 2.2e-16
D represents the value of the test-statistic (difference), so the KS-statistic
and the p-value represents the likelihood of observing this particular value
of D, or a "more extreme" value by pure chance.
alternative hypothesis: two-sided

Warning message:
In ks.test(temp12, temp22) : cannot compute correct p-values with ties
This tells you, that ties occured when performing the test. A "tie" means that
two or more samples had the same value. The problem with ties is basically,
that it results in difficulties calculating the variance of your variable. Some
tests account for this by calculating exact p-values based on permutations,
which is, especially for larger sample sizes, computationally expensive.
I don't rally know how to interpret the output from R.
I don't want to judge your skills on statistics. However, it seems to me, that
you are not completely familiar with the concept of hypothesis testing, the
applied statistical tests and the interpretation of the results.
Understanding what the test statistic and p-value (confidence interval etc.)
are is fundamental for any subsequent steps, especially the interpretation of
the calculated results. I had to learn this personally only recently ;)
After all, R is just a tool, but the concepts behind the methods it offers must
be understood separately as they are basic statistics most of the time.

Monday, November 18, 2013

DNA methylation R exercises - FGCZ
# make sure you have these packages installed
# -------------------------------------------


# preprocess 450k array data
# --------------------------

f <- read.450k.sheet(".", "450k_SampleSheet")
raw <- read.450k.exp(targets = f, verbose=TRUE)

ppi <- preprocessIllumina(raw, bg.correct = TRUE, normalize = "controls")

b <- getBeta(ppi)
colnames(b) <- f$Sample_Name  # give descriptive column names

# read probe annotation (for chr22 probes)

anno <- read.csv("450_probes_subset.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
probeids <- intersect(rownames(b), anno$Name)

m <- match(probeids, anno$Name)
anno <- anno[m, ]

m <- match(probeids, rownames(b))
b <- b[m, ]

k <- !$MAPINFO) & rowSums( )==0
anno <- anno[k,]
b <- b[k,]

gr450k <- GRanges(seqnames=paste("chr",anno$CHR,sep=""), 

# load RRBS data
# --------------
rf <- dir(,".bedRrbs")
names(rf) <- gsub("_chr22.bedRrbs","",rf)

rd <- lapply(rf, function(u) {
  d <- read.table(u, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# have a look at how RRBS data comes

# function to convert to methylation levels

mapNeg2PosRRBS <- function(p) {
  xs <- split(p, p$V6)
  pos <- xs[["+"]]
  neg <- xs[["-"]]

  key <- paste(pos$V1, pos$V3-1, sep = ".")
  keyn <- paste(neg$V1, neg$V2, sep = ".")

  # finding the pairs
  m.pos <- match(key, keyn)
  n <-
  # positive strand
  x <- data.frame(chr=pos$V1, position=pos$V2+1, n=pos$V5, 
                  nC=round( pos$V5*pos$V11/100 ))

  # negative strand that match with positive strand
  mn <- m.pos[!n]
  x$n[!n] <- x$n[!n] + neg$V5[mn]
  x$nC[!n] <- x$nC[!n] + round( neg$V5[mn]*neg$V11[mn]/100 )
  # negative strand only
  m.neg <- match(keyn, key)
  nas.neg <-
  y <- data.frame(chr=neg$V1, position=neg$V2, n=neg$V5,
                  nC=round( neg$V5*neg$V11/100 ))[nas.neg, ]

  res <- rbind(x,y)
  GRanges(seqnames=res$chr, IRanges(start=res$position, width=1),
          n=res$n, nC=res$nC)

rdc <- lapply(rd, mapNeg2PosRRBS)

# look at converted data

# do spot checks: match up RRBS and 450k readout for same CpG sites 

v <- values(rdc[[1]])
meth <- v$nC / v$n

fo <- findOverlaps(gr450k, rdc[[1]])

plot(b[fo@queryHits,1],meth[fo@subjectHits],xlab="450k", ylab="RRBS")

# make design matrices for DMR finding
grp <- gsub("_[1-3]","",colnames(b))
d1 <- model.matrix(~grp)
d0 <- d1[,1,drop=FALSE]

b1 <- b*.98+.01

o <- order(anno$CHR, anno$MAPINFO)

# find differentially methylated regions
pns <- clusterMaker(anno$CHR, anno$MAPINFO, maxGap=500)
dmrs <- dmrFind(p=b1[o,], mod=d1, mod0=d0, coef=2, pns=pns[o],
                chr=anno$CHR[o], pos=anno$MAPINFO[o], svs=0, 
                use.limma=TRUE, use="swald", Q=0.97)

# Exercise 1. Make histograms of "beta" values (3 LNCaP replicates,
# 3 PrEC replicates).  Are there (global) differences between cancer and 
# normal?  What if you restrict to probes only in CpG islands? 
# (You can get this information for chr22 in the annotation file).

# Exercise 2. Does the concordance between 450k and RRBS improve 
# when you require a higher depth in the RRBS data?

# Exercise 3. For the DMRs found using 450k array data, make a plot
# of the RRBS data in the same regions to verify that they are 
# calling the same diff. methylated regions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Query a MySQL Database from R using RMySQL

mysql --user=genome -A -D hg19 -N \
 -e 'select concat("curl",chrom,":",txStart-35,",",txStart-1) from knownGene where strand="+"'  |\
 sh > result.concatenated.xml

#Install the package if you've never done so
#Load the package
# Set up a connection to your database management system.
# I'm using the public MySQL server for the UCSC genome browser (no password)
mychannel <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="genome", host="")
# Function to make it easier to query
query <- function(...) dbGetQuery(mychannel, ...)
# Get the UCSC gene name, start and end sites for the first 10 genes on Chromosome 12
query("SELECT name, chrom, txStart, txEnd FROM mm9.knownGene WHERE chrom='chr12' LIMIT 10;")
# Results are returned as a data.frame:
# name chrom txStart txEnd
# 1 uc007mwj.2 chr12 3235525 3250374
# 2 uc007mwg.2 chr12 3235790 3239112
# 3 uc007mwh.2 chr12 3235790 3239288
# 4 uc007mwi.2 chr12 3235790 3250374
# 5 uc007mwk.1 chr12 3236610 3249997
# 6 uc011yjq.1 chr12 3237284 3241410
# 7 uc007mwl.2 chr12 3247427 3309969
# 8 uc007mwm.1 chr12 3365131 3406494
# 9 uc007mwn.1 chr12 3365131 3406494
# 10 uc007mwp.2 chr12 3403882 3426747

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Affymetrix microarray analysis using affy package in R

#Install affy package: 

#Load affy:

#Set the working directory where the CEL files from your microarray experiment are located:
Data <- ReadAffy()

#Use rma to background correct and normalize probe levels:
eset <- rma(Data)
e <- exprs(eset)

Index1 <- which(eset$sample == 1:3)

Index2 <- which(eset$sample == 4:6)

#Calculate d value (logFC) , samples 1-3 vs samples 4-6:
d <- rowMeans(e[, Index1]) - rowMeans(e[, Index2])
a <- rowMeans(e) 

#Plot MA plot:

#Modify pData of eset
pd <- data.frame(experiment = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), replicate = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3))
rownames(pd) <- sampleNames(eset)

pData(eset) <- pd

#Do a t-test, with no multiple correction:

tt <- rowttests(e, factor(eset$experiment))

lod <- -log10(tt$p.value)

#Plot a Volcano 
plot(d, lod, cex = 0.25, main = "Volcano plot for $t$-test")
abline(h = 2) 


table(tt$p.value <= 0.01)
53403  1272 

#Install limma package: 

design <- model.matrix(~eset$experiment)

fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
ebayes <- eBayes(fit)

#Top 10 genes, multiple testing correction, Benjamini and Hochberg, generate html report:
tab <- topTable(ebayes, coef = 2, adjust.method = "BH", n = 10)
genenames <- as.character(tab$ID)

#Install annotate package: 

[1] "hgu133plus2"

#Install hgu133plus2.db package: 

map <- getAnnMap("ENTREZID", "hgu133plus2", load=TRUE, type=c("env", "db"))
Warning message:
getAnnMap: package hgu133plus2 not available, using hgu133plus2.db instead 

ll <- getEG(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")
sym <- getSYMBOL(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

tab <- data.frame(sym, signif(tab[, -1], 3))

tab <- data.frame(rownames(tab), tab) 
colnames(tab)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 

ll <- list(ll)
htmlpage(ll, filename="Multiple_testing_corrected_Top10_genes.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tab, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tab)),, digits=6)

#Significant genes, multiple testing correction, Benjamini and Hochberg:
tab <- topTable(ebayes, coef = 2, adjust.method = "BH", n=1000)
tab <- subset(tab, adj.P.Val<=0.05)
genenames <- as.character(tab$ID)
sym <- getSYMBOL(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db") 
ll <- getEG(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")
tab <- data.frame(sym, signif(tab[, -1], 3))

tab <- data.frame(rownames(tab), tab) 
colnames(tab)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 

ll <- list(ll)
htmlpage(ll, filename="Multiple_testing_corrected.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tab, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tab)),, digits=6)

#Significant genes, p-value 0.01, no correction
tt <- subset(tt, p.value <= 0.01)
tt <- tt[order(tt$p.value), ]
genenames <- as.character(rownames(tt))
sym <- getSYMBOL(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

ll <- getEG(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

tt <- data.frame(ll, sym, signif(tt, 3))
tt <- data.frame(rownames(tt), tt)
colnames(tt)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

ll <- list(ll)
htmlpage(ll, filename="No_correction.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt)),, digits=6)

#Significant genes, p-value 0.05, no correction
tt <- rowttests(e, factor(eset$experiment)) 
tt <- subset(tt, p.value <= 0.05)
tt <- tt[order(tt$p.value), ]
genenames <- as.character(rownames(tt))
sym <- getSYMBOL(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

ll <- getEG(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

tt <- data.frame(ll, sym, signif(tt, 3))
tt <- data.frame(rownames(tt), tt)
colnames(tt)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

ll <- list(ll)
htmlpage(ll, filename="No_correction_pvalue_0.05.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt)),, digits=6)

#All genes, no correction
tt <- rowttests(e, factor(eset$experiment)) 
tt <- tt[order(tt$p.value), ]
genenames <- as.character(rownames(tt))
sym <- getSYMBOL(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

ll <- getEG(genenames, "hgu133plus2.db")

tt <- data.frame(ll, sym, signif(tt, 3))
tt <- data.frame(rownames(tt), tt)
colnames(tt)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

ll <- list(ll)
htmlpage(ll, filename="No_correction_all.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt)),, digits=6)

#Significant genes, p-value 0.05, no correction, separated up- and down- regulated genes, fold change>2
tt <- rowttests(e, factor(eset$experiment)) 
tt <- subset(tt, p.value <= 0.05)
tt_up <- subset(tt, dm>1)
tt_down <- subset(tt, dm< -1)

tt_up <- tt_up[order(tt_up$dmdecreasing=T), ]
tt_down <- tt_down[order(tt_down$dm, decreasing=F), ] 

genenames_up <- as.character(rownames(tt_up))
genenames_down <- as.character(rownames(tt_down))

sym_up <- getSYMBOL(genenames_up, "hgu133plus2.db")
ll_up <- getEG(genenames_up, "hgu133plus2.db")
sym_down <- getSYMBOL(genenames_down, "hgu133plus2.db")
ll_down <- getEG(genenames_down, "hgu133plus2.db")

tt_up <- data.frame(ll_up, sym_up, signif(tt_up, 3))
tt_up <- data.frame(rownames(tt_up), tt_up)
colnames(tt_up)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt_up)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

tt_down <- data.frame(ll_down, sym_down, signif(tt_down, 3))
tt_down <- data.frame(rownames(tt_down), tt_down)
colnames(tt_down)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt_down)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

ll_up <- list(ll_up)
htmlpage(ll_up, filename="No_correction_pvalue_0.05_upreg.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt_up, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt_up)),, digits=6)

ll_down <- list(ll_down)
htmlpage(ll_down, filename="No_correction_pvalue_0.05_downreg.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt_down, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt_down)),, digits=6)

#Significant genes, p-value 0.05, no correction, separated up- and down- regulated genes, fold change>1.5
tt <- rowttests(e, factor(eset$experiment)) 
tt <- subset(tt, p.value <= 0.05)
tt_up <- subset(tt, dm> 0.5849)
tt_down <- subset(tt, dm< -0.5849)

tt_up <- tt_up[order(tt_up$dm, decreasing=T), ]
tt_down <- tt_down[order(tt_down$dm, decreasing=F), ] 

genenames_up <- as.character(rownames(tt_up))
genenames_down <- as.character(rownames(tt_down))

sym_up <- getSYMBOL(genenames_up, "hgu133plus2.db")
ll_up <- getEG(genenames_up, "hgu133plus2.db")
sym_down <- getSYMBOL(genenames_down, "hgu133plus2.db")
ll_down <- getEG(genenames_down, "hgu133plus2.db")

tt_up <- data.frame(ll_up, sym_up, signif(tt_up, 3))
tt_up <- data.frame(rownames(tt_up), tt_up)
colnames(tt_up)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt_up)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

tt_down <- data.frame(ll_down, sym_down, signif(tt_down, 3))
tt_down <- data.frame(rownames(tt_down), tt_down)
colnames(tt_down)[1] <- c("Probe ID") 
colnames(tt_down)[2] <- c("Locus ID")

ll_up <- list(ll_up)
htmlpage(ll_up, filename="No_correction_pvalue_0.05_upreg1.5.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt_up, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt_up)),, digits=6)

ll_down <- list(ll_down)
htmlpage(ll_down, filename="No_correction_pvalue_0.05_downreg1.5.html", title="HTML report", othernames=tt_down, table.head=c("Locus ID",colnames(tt_down)),, digits=6)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

DNA Methylation with Lumi

  • source("")
  • library(lumi)
  • sampleInfo <- read.table("../../../barcode.txt",sep="\t",header=T)
  • example.lumiMethy <- importMethyIDAT(sampleInfo, dataPath=getwd(),lib=NULL)
  • ### R code from vignette source 'vignettes/lumi/inst/doc/methylationAnalysis.Rnw'
    ### code chunk number 1: load library
    ### code chunk number 2: load example dataset
    ## load example data (a methyLumiM object)
    ## summary of the example data
    ## print sample Names
    ### code chunk number 3: sampleRelation
    plotSampleRelation(example.lumiMethy, method='mds', cv.Th=0) 
    ### code chunk number 4: sampleRelationTree
    plotSampleRelation(example.lumiMethy, method='cluster', cv.Th=0) 
    ### code chunk number 5: load example titration dataset
    ## load the tritration data (a methyLumiM object)
    ## summary of the example data
    ## print sample Names
    ### code chunk number 6: sampleRelationTitration
    plotSampleRelation(example.methyTitration, method='mds', cv.Th=0) 
    ### code chunk number 7: densityMTitration
    ## plot the density
    density(example.methyTitration, xlab="M-value") 
    ### code chunk number 8: densityM
    ## specify the colors of control and treatment samples
    sampleColor <- rep(1, ncol(example.lumiMethy))
    sampleColor[grep("Treat", sampleNames(example.lumiMethy))] <- 2 
    density(example.lumiMethy, col=sampleColor, xlab="M-value") ## plot the density
    ### code chunk number 9: boxplotM
    ## Because the distribution of M-value has two modes, we use a boxplot different from regular ones
    ### code chunk number 10: densityColorBiasBoth
    ### code chunk number 11: densityColorBiasMethy
    plotColorBias1D(example.lumiMethy, channel='methy')
    ### code chunk number 12: densityColorBiasUnmethy
    plotColorBias1D(example.lumiMethy, channel='unmethy')
    ### code chunk number 13: boxplotColorBiasMethy
    boxplotColorBias(example.lumiMethy, channel='methy')
    ### code chunk number 14: boxplotColorBiasUnmethy
    boxplotColorBias(example.lumiMethy, channel='unmethy')
    ### code chunk number 15: color balance summary
    ## summary of color balance information of individual samples
    colorBiasSummary(example.lumiMethy[,1:8], channel='methy')
    ### code chunk number 16: scatterColorBias1
    plotColorBias2D(example.lumiMethy, selSample=1, cex=2)
    ### code chunk number 17: boxplotColorBiasSum
    boxplotColorBias(example.lumiMethy, channel='sum')
    ### code chunk number 18: densityColorBiasSum
    plotColorBias1D(example.lumiMethy, channel='sum')
    ### code chunk number 19: densityIntensity
    density(estimateIntensity(example.lumiMethy), xlab="log2(CpG-site Intensity)")
    ### code chunk number 20: boxplotIntensity
    ### code chunk number 21: pairsColor
    ## get the color channel information
    colorChannel <- as.character(pData(featureData(example.lumiMethy))[, "COLOR_CHANNEL"])
    ## replace the "Red" and "Grn" as color names defined in R
    colorChannel[colorChannel == 'Red'] <- 'red'
    colorChannel[colorChannel == 'Grn'] <- 'green'
    ## select a subet of sample for pair plot
    selSample <- c( "Ctrl1", "Ctrl1.rep", "Treat1", "Treat1.rep")
    ## plot pair plot with the dots in scatter plot colored based on the color channels
    pairs(estimateIntensity(example.lumiMethy[, selSample]), dotColor= colorChannel, main="Pair plot of CpG-site Intensity")
    ### code chunk number 22: color balance adjustment
    ## summary of color balance information of individual samples
    lumiMethy.c.adj <- lumiMethyC(example.lumiMethy)
    ### code chunk number 23: densityColorBiasSumAdj
    plotColorBias1D(lumiMethy.c.adj, channel='sum')
    ### code chunk number 24: boxplotColorBiasSumAdj
    boxplotColorBias(lumiMethy.c.adj, channel='sum')
    ### code chunk number 25: scatterColorBias1Adj
    ## plot the color balance adjusted scatter plot of two color channels
    plotColorBias2D(lumiMethy.c.adj, selSample=1, cex=2)
    ### code chunk number 26: pairsColorAdj
    ## plot pairwise plot after color balance adjustment 
    pairs(estimateIntensity(lumiMethy.c.adj[, selSample]), dotColor= colorChannel, main="Pair plot of CpG-site Intensity")
    ### code chunk number 27: background adjustment
    ##separately adjust backgrounds of two color channels
    lumiMethy.b.adj <- lumiMethyB(example.lumiMethy, method="bgAdjust2C", separateColor=TRUE)
    ##background adjustment of individual samples
    lumiMethy.bc.adj <- lumiMethyB(lumiMethy.c.adj, method="bgAdjust2C")
    ### code chunk number 28: bgDensityMethy
    ## plot the background mode of methylated probe data of first five example samples
    plotColorBias1D(example.lumiMethy[,1:5], channel='methy', xlim=c(-1000,5000), logMode=FALSE)
    ### code chunk number 29: bgAdjDensityMethy
    ## plot the background mode of methylated probe data of first five example samples
    plotColorBias1D(lumiMethy.b.adj [,1:5], channel='methy', xlim=c(-1000,5000), logMode=FALSE)
    ### code chunk number 30: bcAdjDensityMethy
    ## plot the background mode of methylated probe data of first five example samples
    plotColorBias1D(lumiMethy.bc.adj [,1:5], channel='methy', xlim=c(-1000,5000), logMode=FALSE)
    ### code chunk number 31: Normalization
    ## Perform SSN normalization based on color balance adjusted data
    lumiMethy.c.ssn <- lumiMethyN(lumiMethy.c.adj, method='ssn')
    ## Perform quantile normalization based on color balance adjusted data
    lumiMethy.c.quantile <- lumiMethyN(lumiMethy.c.adj, method='quantile')
    ### code chunk number 32: sampleRelationTreeNormalized
    plotSampleRelation(lumiMethy.c.ssn, method='cluster', cv.Th=0) 
    ### code chunk number 33: densitySSN
    ## plot the density of M-values after SSN normalization
    density(lumiMethy.c.ssn, col= sampleColor, main="Density plot after SSN normalization")
    ### code chunk number 34: densityQuantile
    ## plot the density of M-values after quantile normalization
    density(lumiMethy.c.quantile, col= sampleColor, main="Density plot after quantile normalization")
    ### code chunk number 35: densityIntensityNormalizedSSN
    density(estimateIntensity(lumiMethy.c.ssn), col= sampleColor,  xlab="log2(CpG-site Intensity)")
    ### code chunk number 36: densityIntensityNormalizedQ
    density(estimateIntensity(lumiMethy.c.quantile), col= sampleColor,  xlab="log2(CpG-site Intensity)")
    ### code chunk number 37: boxplotColorBiasNormalized
    boxplotColorBias(lumiMethy.c.quantile, channel='sum')
    ### code chunk number 38: pairMNormalize
    ## select a subet of sample for pair plot
    selSample <- c( "Ctrl1", "Ctrl1.rep", "Treat1", "Treat1.rep")
    ## plot pair plot with the dots in scatter plot colored based on the color channels
    pairs(lumiMethy.c.quantile[, selSample], dotColor= colorChannel, main="Pair plot of M-value after normalization")
    ### code chunk number 39: gammaFit
    ## Fit the two component gamma mixture model of the first sample of example.lumiMethy
    fittedGamma <- gammaFitEM(exprs(example.lumiMethy)[,1], plotMode=TRUE)
    ### code chunk number 40: estimate methylation status based on M-value
    ## estimate the methylation status based on the results of gammaFitEM
    methyCall <- methylationCall(fittedGamma)
    ### code chunk number 41: estimate methylation status  of a LumiMethyM object
    ## estimate the methylation status of a LumiMethyM object
    methyCall <- lumiMethyStatus(example.lumiMethy[,1:4])
    ## retrieve the methylation probability matrix
    methyProb <- attr(methyCall, "probability")
    ### code chunk number 42: user defined preprocessing functions (eval = FALSE)
    ## ## suppose "userB" is a user defined background adjustment method
    ##  lumiMethy.b.adj <- lumiMethyB(example.lumiMethy, method=userB, separateColor=TRUE) # not Run
    ## ## suppose "userC" is a user defined color balance adjustment method
    ##  lumiMethy.c.adj <- lumiMethyC(example.lumiMethy, method=userC, separateColor=TRUE) # not Run
    ## ## suppose "userN" is a user defined probe level normalization method
    ##  lumiMethy.c.n <- lumiMethyN(lumiMethy.c.adj, method= userN, separateColor=TRUE) # not Run
    ### code chunk number 43: Color channel information
    ## retrieve the featureData information
    ff <- pData(featureData(example.lumiMethy))
    ## show the color channel information
    ## add user provided color channel information if it is not existed in the featureData
    # example.lumiMethy <- addAnnotationInfo(example.lumiMethy, lib="IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db")
    ### code chunk number 44: options to separately process each color channel (eval = FALSE)
    ## ## suppose "userB" is a user defined background adjustment method
    ##  lumiMethy.b.adj <- lumiMethyB(example.lumiMethy,  separateColor=TRUE) 
    ## ## suppose "userC" is a user defined color balance adjustment method
    ##  lumiMethy.c.adj <- lumiMethyC(example.lumiMethy,  separateColor=TRUE) 
    ## ## suppose "userN" is a user defined probe level normalization method
    ##  lumiMethy.c.n <- lumiMethyN(lumiMethy.c.adj,  separateColor=TRUE) 
    ### code chunk number 45: Estimate detection call of a CpG site (eval = FALSE)
    ## ## Estimate the detection call of a CpG site
    ## presentCount <- detectionCall(example.lumiMethy)
    ### code chunk number 46: Preprocessing methylation microarray (eval = FALSE)
    ## library(lumi)
    ## ## specify the file name
    ## # fileName <- 'Example_Illumina_Methylation_profile.txt' 
    ## ## load the data
    ## # example.lumiMethy <- lumiMethyR(fileName, lib="IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db")  # Not Run
    ## ## Quality and color balance assessment
    ## data(example.lumiMethy)
    ## ## summary of the example data
    ## example.lumiMethy
    ## ## preprocessing and quality control after normalization
    ## plotColorBias1D(example.lumiMethy, channel='sum')
    ## boxplotColorBias(example.lumiMethy, channel='sum')
    ## ## select interested sample to further check color balance in 2D scatter plot
    ## plotColorBias2D(example.lumiMethy, selSample=1)
    ## ## Color balance adjustment between two color channels
    ## lumiMethy.c.adj <- lumiMethyC(example.lumiMethy)
    ## ## Check color balance after color balance adjustment
    ## boxplotColorBias(lumiMethy.c.adj, channel='sum')
    ## ## Background adjustment is skipped because the SSN normalization includes background adjustment
    ## ## Normalization
    ## ## Perform SSN normalization based on color balance adjusted data
    ## lumiMethy.c.ssn <- lumiMethyN(lumiMethy.c.adj, method='ssn')
    ## ## Or we can perform quantile normalization based on color balance adjusted data
    ## # lumiMethy.c.q <- lumiMethyN(lumiMethy.c.adj, method='quantile')
    ## ## plot the density of M-values after SSN normalization
    ## density(lumiMethy.c.ssn, main="Density plot of M-value after SSN normalization")
    ## ## comparing with the density of M-values before normalization
    ## density(example.lumiMethy, main="Density plot of M-value of the raw data")
    ## ## output the normlized M-value as a Tab-separated text file
    myAnnot<- data.frame(
    SYMBOL=sapply(contents(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kSYMBOL), paste, collapse=", ")
    ) write.exprs(lumiMethy.c.ssn, file='processedMethylationExampleData.txt') exp<- read.table('processedMethylationExampleData.txt',header=T,sep="\t") colnames(exp)[1]<- "Probe_ID" exp$symbol <- myAnnot[exp$Probe_ID,] exp <- exp[, c(length(colnames(exp)),1:(length(colnames(exp))-1))] write.table(exp, file="DM_Mvalue.txt", col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t", quote=F)
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