# make sure you have these packages installed # ------------------------------------------- source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite(c("minfi","IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest", "charm","GenomicRanges")) library(minfi) library(charm) library(GenomicRanges) # preprocess 450k array data # -------------------------- f <- read.450k.sheet(".", "450k_SampleSheet") raw <- read.450k.exp(targets = f, verbose=TRUE) ppi <- preprocessIllumina(raw, bg.correct = TRUE, normalize = "controls") b <- getBeta(ppi) colnames(b) <- f$Sample_Name # give descriptive column names # read probe annotation (for chr22 probes) anno <- read.csv("450_probes_subset.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE) probeids <- intersect(rownames(b), anno$Name) m <- match(probeids, anno$Name) anno <- anno[m, ] m <- match(probeids, rownames(b)) b <- b[m, ] k <- !is.na(anno$MAPINFO) & rowSums( is.na(b) )==0 anno <- anno[k,] b <- b[k,] gr450k <- GRanges(seqnames=paste("chr",anno$CHR,sep=""), ranges=IRanges(start=anno$MAPINFO,width=1)) # load RRBS data # -------------- rf <- dir(,".bedRrbs") names(rf) <- gsub("_chr22.bedRrbs","",rf) rd <- lapply(rf, function(u) { d <- read.table(u, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) d[,c(1:3,5:6,11)] }) # have a look at how RRBS data comes lapply(rd,head) # function to convert to methylation levels mapNeg2PosRRBS <- function(p) { xs <- split(p, p$V6) pos <- xs[["+"]] neg <- xs[["-"]] key <- paste(pos$V1, pos$V3-1, sep = ".") keyn <- paste(neg$V1, neg$V2, sep = ".") # finding the pairs m.pos <- match(key, keyn) n <- is.na(m.pos) # positive strand x <- data.frame(chr=pos$V1, position=pos$V2+1, n=pos$V5, nC=round( pos$V5*pos$V11/100 )) # negative strand that match with positive strand mn <- m.pos[!n] x$n[!n] <- x$n[!n] + neg$V5[mn] x$nC[!n] <- x$nC[!n] + round( neg$V5[mn]*neg$V11[mn]/100 ) # negative strand only m.neg <- match(keyn, key) nas.neg <- is.na(m.neg) y <- data.frame(chr=neg$V1, position=neg$V2, n=neg$V5, nC=round( neg$V5*neg$V11/100 ))[nas.neg, ] res <- rbind(x,y) GRanges(seqnames=res$chr, IRanges(start=res$position, width=1), n=res$n, nC=res$nC) } rdc <- lapply(rd, mapNeg2PosRRBS) # look at converted data rdc names(rdc) colnames(b) # do spot checks: match up RRBS and 450k readout for same CpG sites v <- values(rdc[[1]]) meth <- v$nC / v$n fo <- findOverlaps(gr450k, rdc[[1]]) plot(b[fo@queryHits,1],meth[fo@subjectHits],xlab="450k", ylab="RRBS") # make design matrices for DMR finding grp <- gsub("_[1-3]","",colnames(b)) d1 <- model.matrix(~grp) d0 <- d1[,1,drop=FALSE] b1 <- b*.98+.01 range(b) range(b1) o <- order(anno$CHR, anno$MAPINFO) # find differentially methylated regions pns <- clusterMaker(anno$CHR, anno$MAPINFO, maxGap=500) dmrs <- dmrFind(p=b1[o,], mod=d1, mod0=d0, coef=2, pns=pns[o], chr=anno$CHR[o], pos=anno$MAPINFO[o], svs=0, use.limma=TRUE, use="swald", Q=0.97) # Exercise 1. Make histograms of "beta" values (3 LNCaP replicates, # 3 PrEC replicates). Are there (global) differences between cancer and # normal? What if you restrict to probes only in CpG islands? # (You can get this information for chr22 in the annotation file). # Exercise 2. Does the concordance between 450k and RRBS improve # when you require a higher depth in the RRBS data? # Exercise 3. For the DMRs found using 450k array data, make a plot # of the RRBS data in the same regions to verify that they are # calling the same diff. methylated regions.
Monday, November 18, 2013
DNA methylation R exercises - FGCZ
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