### R code from vignette source 'vignettes/lumi/inst/doc/lumi.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: load library
### code chunk number 2: load example data
## load example data (a LumiBatch object)
## summary of the example data
### code chunk number 3: summary of example data
## summary of the quality control
summary(example.lumi, 'QC')
### code chunk number 4: densityPlot
plot(example.lumi, what='density') ## plot the density
### code chunk number 5: densityPlot
plot(example.lumi, what='density') ## plot the density
### code chunk number 6: CDF
### code chunk number 7: pairPlot
plot(example.lumi, what='pair') ## pairwise plots
### code chunk number 8: lumi.Rnw:233-234
plot(example.lumi, what='pair', smoothScatter=T)
### code chunk number 9: MAplot
## pairwise MAplot
plot(example.lumi, what='MAplot')
### code chunk number 10: lumi.Rnw:265-267
## pairwise MAplot
plot(example.lumi, what='MAplot', smoothScatter=T)
### code chunk number 11: lumi.Rnw:279-281
## density plot of coefficient of varience
plot(example.lumi, what='cv')
### code chunk number 12: lumi.Rnw:292-293
plot(example.lumi, what='sampleRelation')
### code chunk number 13: lumi.Rnw:310-311
plot(example.lumi, what='sampleRelation', method='mds', color=c("01", "02", "01", "02"))
### code chunk number 14: VST transform
## Do default VST variance stabilizing transform
lumi.T <- lumiT(example.lumi)
### code chunk number 15: plotVST
trans <- plotVST(lumi.T)
### code chunk number 16: lumi.Rnw:356-358
matplot(log2(trans$untransformed), trans$transformed, type='l', main='compare VST and log2 transform', xlab='log2 transformed', ylab='vST transformed')
abline(a=0, b=1, col=2)
### code chunk number 17: Default normalization
## Do quantile between microarray normaliazation
lumi.N <- lumiN(lumi.T)
### code chunk number 18: Customized normalization (eval = FALSE)
## ## Do RSN between microarray normaliazation
## lumi.N <- lumiN(lumi.T, method='rsn')
### code chunk number 19: QC after normalization
## Do quality control estimation after normalization
lumi.N.Q <- lumiQ(lumi.N)
## summary of the quality control
summary(lumi.N.Q, 'QC') ## summary of QC
### code chunk number 20: lumi.Rnw:405-406
plot(lumi.N.Q, what='density') ## plot the density
### code chunk number 21: lumi.Rnw:415-417
plot(lumi.N.Q, what='boxplot') ## box plot
# boxplot(lumi.N.Q)
### code chunk number 22: lumi.Rnw:426-427
plot(lumi.N.Q, what='pair') ## pairwise plots
### code chunk number 23: lumi.Rnw:436-437
plot(lumi.N.Q, what='MAplot') ## plot the pairwise MAplot
### code chunk number 24: lumi.Rnw:446-448
## plot the sampleRelation using hierarchical clustering
plot(lumi.N.Q, what='sampleRelation')
### code chunk number 25: lumi.Rnw:457-459
## plot the sampleRelation using MDS
plot(lumi.N.Q, what='sampleRelation', method='mds', color=c("01", "02", "01", "02"))
### code chunk number 26: Encapsulate the processing steps
## Do all the default preprocessing in one step
lumi.N.Q <- lumiExpresso(example.lumi)
### code chunk number 27: lumi.Rnw:476-478
## Do all the preprocessing with customized settings
# lumi.N.Q <- lumiExpresso(example.lumi, normalize.param=list(method='rsn'))
### code chunk number 28: inverse VST
## Parameters of VST transformed LumiBatch object
## VST parameters: "vstParameter" and "transformFun"
attr(lumi.T, 'vstParameter')
attr(lumi.T, 'transformFun')
## Parameters of VST transformed and RSN normalized LumiBatch object
## VSN "targetArray" , VST parameters: "vstParameter" and "transformFun"
attr(lumi.N.Q, 'vstParameter')
attr(lumi.N.Q, 'transformFun')
## After doing statistical analysis of the data, users can recover to the raw scale for the fold-change estimation.
## Inverse VST to the raw scale
lumi.N.raw <- inverseVST(lumi.N.Q)
### code chunk number 29: retrieve normalized data
dataMatrix <- exprs(lumi.N.Q)
### code chunk number 30: filtering
presentCount <- detectionCall(example.lumi)
selDataMatrix <- dataMatrix[presentCount > 0,]
if (require(lumiHumanAll.db) & require(annotate)) {
selDataMatrix <- selDataMatrix[!is.na(getSYMBOL(rownames(selDataMatrix), 'lumiHumanAll.db')),]
probeList <- rownames(selDataMatrix)
### code chunk number 31: Identify differentially expressed genes
## Specify the sample type
sampleType <- c('100:0', '95:5', '100:0', '95:5')
if (require(limma)) {
## compare '95:5' and '100:0'
design <- model.matrix(~ factor(sampleType))
colnames(design) <- c('100:0', '95:5-100:0')
fit <- lmFit(selDataMatrix, design)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
## Add gene symbols to gene properties
if (require(illuminaHumanv4.db
) & require(annotate)) {
geneSymbol <- getSYMBOL(probeList, 'illuminaHumanv4.db
geneName <- sapply(lookUp(probeList, 'illuminaHumanv4.db
', 'GENENAME'), function(x) x[1])
fit$genes <- data.frame(ID= probeList, geneSymbol=geneSymbol, geneName=geneName, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## print the top 10 genes
print(topTable(fit, coef='95:5-100:0', adjust='fdr', number=10))
## get significant gene list with FDR adjusted p.values less than 0.01
p.adj <- p.adjust(fit$p.value[,2])
sigGene.adj <- probeList[ p.adj < 0.01]
## without FDR adjustment
sigGene <- probeList[ fit$p.value[,2] < 0.01]
### code chunk number 32: GO analysis (eval = FALSE)
## if (require(GOstats) & require(lumiHumanAll.db)) {
## ## Convert the probe Ids as Entrez Ids and make them unique
## sigLL <- unique(unlist(lookUp(sigGene,'lumiHumanAll.db','ENTREZID')))
## sigLL <- as.character(sigLL[!is.na(sigLL)])
## params <- new("GOHyperGParams",
## geneIds= sigLL,
## annotation="lumiHumanAll.db",
## ontology="BP",
## pvalueCutoff= 0.01,
## conditional=FALSE,
## testDirection="over")
## hgOver <- hyperGTest(params)
## ## Get the p-values of the test
## gGhyp.pv <- pvalues(hgOver)
## ## Adjust p-values for multiple test (FDR)
## gGhyp.fdr <- p.adjust(gGhyp.pv, 'fdr')
## ## select the Go terms with adjusted p-value less than 0.01
## sigGO.ID <- names(gGhyp.fdr[gGhyp.fdr < 0.01])
## ## Here only show the significant GO terms of BP (Molecular Function)
## ## For other categories, just follow the same procedure.
## sigGO.Term <- getGOTerm(sigGO.ID)[["BP"]]
## }
### code chunk number 33: Create selected GO table (eval = FALSE)
## if (require(GOstats) & require(lumiHumanAll.db) & require(xtable)) {
## ##get gene counts at each GO category
## gg.counts <- geneCounts(hgOver)[sigGO.ID]
## total.counts <- universeCounts(hgOver)[sigGO.ID]
## ggt <- unlist(sigGO.Term)
## numCh <- nchar(ggt)
## ggt2 <- substr(ggt, 1, 17)
## ggt3 <- paste(ggt2, ifelse(numCh > 17, "...", ""), sep="")
## ## output the significant GO categories as a table
## ggMat <- matrix(c(names(sigGO.Term), ggt3, signif(gGhyp.pv[sigGO.ID],5), gg.counts, total.counts),
## byrow=FALSE, nc=5, dimnames=list(1:length(sigGO.Term), c("GO ID",
## "Term", "p-value","Significant Genes No.", "Total Genes No.")))
## xtable.matrix(ggMat,
## caption="GO terms, p-values and counts.", label="ta:GOggterms")
## }
### code chunk number 34: sessionInfo
ids =
(ids, illuminaHumanv3GENOMICLOCATION)
(ids, illuminaHumanv3PROBESEQUENCE)
(ids, illuminaHumanv3GENENAME)