Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Determine Transcription Factors For Genes

If you would like to find transcription factor binding sites enriched in your list of genes, try this:
DAVID for the enrichment analysis of TFBSs associated with your genes (given TFBS is involved in the control of the transcription of the gene). Once you uploaded your gene list you have an option to perform enrichment calculations using a variety of annotations. DAVID provides a category called "UCSCTFBS" in default setting this option unchecked. Please click and expand the "ProteinInteractions" and click on "UCSC_TFBS" PS. I am not sure about source of this data set, so far I got only this link the source data on DAVID forum. It will be great if someone can tell more about the data source.
This data is sourced from UCSC TFBS conserved track. See the details here and table schema here.
If you would like to know what transcription factors (in other words, transcription factor targets) may initiate transcription of your 500 genes, try this:
I recently used "Investigate Gene Sets" options in MSigDB to find the transcription factor target information of my dataset.
The data is curated from TRANSFAC, you can do a 'Compute Overlap' of your genes with the list of genes in the dataset. Output includes a p-value to indicate statistical significance and a Gene/geneset overlap matrix to visualize the gene categorized into different transcription factor targets.
Transcription Factor Target Data set is available here.

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